It's Not Easy Being Green/Green Products for the New Year

For years, I have been trying to formulate the perfect "green" solution that will work effectively in my client's homes. At first, I bought "all natural" cleaning products, but they were cost effective and few did the job required by Annie's Cleaning crews, so we went back to what we knew worked,commercial cleaning products,(my company provides all cleaning products for a client's home). I continually felt guilty about using products that were not "green", so I furthered my quest.I decided to do a major "research and development," formulating recipes in my kitchen every weekend, experimenting with ingredients that would not only clean effectively but leave behind a fresh scent.I then would dispense them to my cleaning crews and ask for their opinions, keeping notes on scents and what worked best.Many times I failed, the crews complained about the smell or the ineffective use of the solution, leaving them to rely on the commercial products they carried.But I continued into 2011 and now I believe I have found the perfect mix of ingredients to not only get the job done effectively, but I can provide a variety of scents for my clients' homes.
There are many "green" cleaning products out there to try but they are often expensive and claim to do a miracle of cleaning chores.But give them a try for the sake of the environment or contact me for a list of cleaning solutions for you to try at home.
Just a note: Annie's Cleaning Company and Annie's Natural All Purpose Cleaner and artwork is a registered trademark of Anne Joyce-Brandt.