Organization Is The Key to Successful Homekeeping
An organized entry is the best way to stay organized, individual lockers with each child's items is great if you have the space to build them into your mudroom or entryway. Baskets with each child's name and photo is another way to lead children to their own little area where boots, shin pads, cleats, hats and gloves and small assorted outwear have a home. Another great wayto organize an entry is to have a burea in the area as well.Again with the name and photo of each child on an individual drawer will help little hands know where to put their things. This is also great for those endless school papers.Have a folder in each drawer so when children return from school they have a place to put school papers.This helps to keep Moms and kids organized and avoids that rushing around in the morning looking for a paper that needs to be signed.In the photo above,this organized homeowner has individual lockers for each child. The staff at Annie's Cleaning Company also provides personal organization for any room in your home.
Labels: cleaning, hingham, housecleaning, organizing