Most of us grew up with bleach right? Making our whites whiter, our toilets cleaner, our sinks and counters disinfected and bright. Well, you don't have to use bleach any longer, it's not necessary, not good for you, your children or your pets.There are alternatives, you just need to know what to do and what to use.
Chlorine Bleach is a germ killer and the EPA does regulate it BUT "the production process of bleach releases cancer causing dioxin as well as brain damaging mercury" (Rodale Press).Still want to wash your baby things in bleach?
Vinegar on the other hand contains 5% acetic acid and can inhibit strains of e-coli and mold. The production of vinegar does not take a toll on our environment. Vinegar has never been thoroughly tested like bleach and one may ask why?
Vinegar should become your best friend.It disinfects, cleans and does the same job as bleach combined with other ingredients that can make your house clean and bright and free of chemicals.
Rule # 1 Never mix bleach with vinegar.It's toxic.
Want a really great whitening ingredient: mix baking soda with vinegar, make a paste and scrub. Use on your clothes, your sinks and tubs.It even removes white rings from your furniture.
Rule #2 Make Borax your new best friend. Add a cup to your laundry,use as a scrub for your bathtubs, sinks and toilets.Use plain, or add a 1/4 cup of baking soda and 10 drops of lemon essential oil, stir and you have a great cleaning agent.
Keep posted to this blog for more information about the uses of vinegar.